As part of a California Domestic Violence offense, you may be ordered to take court-ordered educational classes that are meant to change your behavior going forward. These are sometimes called Batterer's Intervention Programs or Batterer's Education Program. These programs are usually court-ordered and most are geared towards men who have been convicted of domestic violence. When you get a court order to complete a batterer's intervention program as part of your case, check out resources provided by the court system or the community to find an appropriate class that fits the requirements set forth in the order. Your local probation department will also have recommendations for programs. Most certified programs are a year in length. The class or program will often do an intake and exit interview to assess and then monitor your progress through the program. Class curriculums may include education about battery and abuse in all their forms. Programs can take a behavioral standpoint, seeing domestic violence and battery as a behavioral problem rather than a personality problem or mental illness. Accordingly, the program will focus on your behaviors and behaviors that constitute abuse or battery in general. Other aspects of the program may include group sessions, personal interviews, reading materials, "homework" or take home paperwork and other things that can change your behavior, like talking with other batterers and learning ways of thinking differently about abuse.
If you are in the Visalia/Hanford/Tulare area and have been ordered to complete a batterer's intervention program, The Law Offices of Christopher Martens is here to help you. Contact attorney Christopher Martens for expert counsel on domestic violence and battery laws. Contact our office at 559-967-7386 or email us at [email protected] to discuss a possible plan of action for your case.
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